Living “Above the Line” of Accountability: A Path to Transformational Leadership

Are you living “above the line” or “below the line”? This question is central to understanding the concept of accountability in leadership. All of you have heard us discuss the famous “line of accountability,” but let’s delve deeper into what it really means and how it impacts your leadership journey.

Living “Below the Line”

When we are “below the line” of accountability, we operate from a place of powerlessness. This mindset is characterized by complaining, criticizing, comparing, and condemning. It sounds like:

“No one told me.”

– “There’s nothing I can do.”

Living below the line fosters a victim mentality, where we feel stuck and unable to effect change. This approach is detrimental to transformational leadership. Spoiler alert: transformational leadership will never happen “below the line.”

Living “Above the Line”

Conversely, when we live “above the line” of accountability, we are powerful and courageous. This mindset involves assessing a situation, owning only what is ours to own, exploring all possible solutions, and then taking decisive action. It sounds like:

– “How am I creating this?”

– “What solutions are available?”

Living above the line empowers us to take control of our circumstances and lead with intention and responsibility.