Introduce Yourself

How Do You Introduce Yourself?

What if your introduction could change your listener’s brains?  The reality is…you WILL change your listener’s brains.  The real question is HOW you want to change them and WHAT you can do to make that happen.  

In his 2018 TED talk, Simon Lancaster compares presenters to drug dealers.  How you want your listeners to feel…drives the drug you deal.  



Deal dopamine if you want your audience to feel happy and accomplished.    

One Idea: begin with a joke or a funny, catchy story.  



Deal oxytocin if you want your audience to get the ‘warm and fuzzies’ and feel connected.  

One Idea: tell a story that engages emotions, such as a story about you, a customer, a patient, etc.  



Deal cortisol if you want to elevate stress or fear.   

One Idea: ask a question that evokes emotion, shock or surprise.